Showing 26 - 50 of 52 Results
Stoddert's War by Pfaltzgraff, Robert L., Jr.... ISBN: 9781557506849 List Price: $4.75
Guerrilla Warfare and Counterinsurgency: U. S.-Soviet Policy in the Third World by Shultz, Richard H., Jr., Pf... ISBN: 9780669199345 List Price: $54.95
Future of Air Power: In the Aftermath of the Gulf War by Shultz, Richard H., Jr., Pf... ISBN: 9781585660469 List Price: $23.00
Introduction to Electric Power Engineering by Shultz, Richard D., Smith, ... ISBN: 9780471603764
Hydra of Carnage: International Linkages of Terrorism: The Witnesses Speak - Uri Ra'anan - H... by Ra'anan, Uri, Pfaltzgraff, ... ISBN: 9780669111361 List Price: $27.95
Security Studies in the 1990s by Shultz, Richard H., Jr., Go... ISBN: 9780813316130
Secret War Against Hanoi : The Untold Story of Spies, Saboteurs, and Covert Warriors in Nort... by Shultz, Richard H., Jr. ISBN: 9780756768089 List Price: $15.00
Secret War Against Hanoi : Kennedy's and Johnson's Use of Spies, Saboteurs and Covert Warrio... by Shultz, Richard H., Jr. ISBN: 9780756752392 List Price: $27.00
Power, principles & interests: A reader in world politics by Salmon, Jeffrey, O'Leary, J... ISBN: 9780536048653
Understanding Internal Wars and Conflicts by Shultz, Richard, Lochard, I... ISBN: 9780415770965 List Price: $140.00
Armed Groups and Irregular Warfare: Adapting Professional Military Education by Shultz, Richard, Godson, Ro... ISBN: 9780981777610 List Price: $25.00
U. S. Defense Policy in an Era of Constrained Resources by Pfaltzgraff, Robert L., Jr.... ISBN: 9780669213584 List Price: $55.00
Lessons from an Unconventional War: Reassessing U. S. Strategies for Future Conflicts by Hunt, Richard A., Shultz, R... ISBN: 9780080271866 List Price: $34.00
Emerging Doctrines and Technologies: Implications for Global and Regional Political-Military... by Pfaltzgraff, Robert L., Jr.... ISBN: 9780669167559 List Price: $45.00
Hydra of Carnage: International Linkages of Terrorism: The Witnesses Speak - Uri Ra'anan - H... by Ra'anan, Uri, Pfaltzgraff, ... ISBN: 9780669111354 List Price: $49.95
Ethics of Playing, Researching, and Teaching Games in the Writing Classroom by Colby, Richard, Johnson, Ma... ISBN: 9783030633134
Military Innovation in War : It Takes a Learning Organization - a Case Study of Task Force 714 by Joint Special Operations Un... ISBN: 9781079034592 List Price: $14.99
The Horror Zine Magazine Spring 2018 by David F. Shultz, Tyler Munr... ISBN: 9780999402412 List Price: $13.99
Ethics of Playing, Researching, and Teaching Games in the Writing Classroom by Colby, Richard, Johnson, Ma... ISBN: 9783030633103
Security Force Assistance and Security Sector Reform by Shultz, Richard, Joint Spec... ISBN: 9781099015212 List Price: $14.99
Introduction to Electric Power Engineering by Richard D. Shultz, Richard ... ISBN: 9780471615415
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